Youth Tour

Group of youths sitting on stone outsideThe deadline for applications is June 11, 2025. Deschutes County REC staff will review the applications and select approximately 20 finalists to conduct an oral presentation on a specific subject on June 29. 8 winners and an alternate will be selected from a panel of 5 judges.


  • Only students who are juniors during the school year are eligible to apply
  • Their parent or legal guardian must be a member of Deschutes County REC

Trip Details

From July 21 to 28, 2025, the students head to Washington, D.C. for an all-expense paid educational trip.

From the somber experiences at Arlington National Cemetery and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to the history-filled Smithsonian museums and learning about the cooperative model, the Washington Youth Tour takes students from across the nation on a unique educational experience.

The Youth Tour also includes some light activities, such as going to a baseball game or taking a bike ride around the city. The students get to meet new people from all across America. It’s something they won’t soon forget.

To Apply

Dates: July 21 to 28, 2025 with a mandatory orientation meeting on July 12, 2025

Deadline: Application and essay due by June 11, 2025

Youth Tour Application (PDF)